GRW has completed several boundary survey projects at Fort Knox for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District. Fort Knox is a U.S. Army post located approximately 35 miles South of Louisville, Kentucky and encompasses 109,000 acres across three counties. Over the years, GRW has surveyed the following boundary lengths at Fort Knox: 4.5 miles in 2011 at Otter Creek; 10.4 miles in 2012; 6.9 miles in 2013; and 4.5 miles to be surveyed in 2014.
On the 10.4 mile boundary survey, GRW provided legal research, boundary surveying, corner and on-line monuments, sign placement and map creation. The property along the boundary was acquired by the government during the late 1950’s through “T-Parcel” deeds relative to available maps instead of surveys. The result was that the “T-Parcel” calls were not in agreement with the parent tract. This section of the Fort Knox boundary was not marked with the standard concrete monuments, only approximately marked with signs on trees. Deed research for this project was performed in Bullitt and Hardin Counties for all adjoining land owner tracts and numerous abutting owners. Letters explaining the survey were mailed to all known adjoining owners requesting information regarding the common boundary prior to beginning field surveys. GRW installed rebar 5/8” x 24” long with USACE brass disc caps as monuments at a minimum of every 400 feet along the 10.4 Mile stretch of boundary, and at all common adjoining owner boundary intersections. Additional brass discs were installed as necessary to ensure intervisibility between points. GRW installed 7-foot steel posts with signs on-line every 200 feet along the 10.4 Mile stretch of boundary.
The final Real Estate maps were developed in AutoCAD DWG format and Microstation DGN format depicting the boundary, the monument locations and their associated State Kentucky Plane Coordinate values. All survey and CADD work performed was based on the Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System, NAD 83, South Zone.